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作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2015-7-1


  1、 intelligent : adj 有智慧的,聪明的

  Those most intelligent candidates can be offered the opportunities for GCT diploma.

  intel---智慧,聪明 high-tech

  2、 lecture: n 讲座,讲课 at the beginning of the lecture , I’d like to introduce myself

  Lecturer : n 讲师

  Associate professor : 副教授


  (1) adj 当前的,现前的 current affairs news 时政要闻

  (2) n 水流,急流 the current in the mid of the river can upset the boat


  (1) n 问题 South China Sea Issue / Taiwan Issue

  (2) v 发行,发布(证券,杂志)issue a new version of operation system / a new security

  5、humor: 幽默

  a sense of humor / humour

  6、lottery: n 彩票 he won a large amount of money by lottery.

  7、 brain: n (1) 大脑 (2) 人才

  Brain drain: 人才外流 brain drain is one of the most serious problems in china

  8、research: n/v 研究Researcher: n

  9、creature: n 生物 the living creature can influence the surroundings

  10、optimist: 乐观主义者 ,

  The optimist always sees the potential opportunities

  Optimism: n 乐观 optimistic: adj optimistic attitude toward life can keep you young

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