Intelligibility是托福口语评分标准里面反复出现一个单词,译为清晰性;其实我们在评分标准里面还能看到对这个词的解释:easy to follow,回答者的逻辑一定要非常清晰并且不能出现任何造成别人理解困难的跳跃,站在rater(评分人员)的角度去考虑的话应该非常容易的就能跟上回答者的思路。当然在托福口语题目里面经常出details这个词。笔者就以口语独立两道题为例展示给大家什么样的口语符合以上两个要求(清晰性和细节)。
People often feel home sick when they are away from home. What do you often do to deal with home sickness?
There are lots of activities you can do to help you deal with homesickness.
Personally, I think making new friend whenever I am away from home is a very effective way to ease my homesickness.
By interacting with new friends, I feel like it is a very easy for me to fit in the local culture, also, I can enrich my own experience and broaden my horizon by exchanging different ideas with new friends,get over homesickness.
On top of that, I would say chatting with my family online is also very helpful, not only can you hear their voice, you can also see their face.
Basically, it's like you are talking to them face to face. You can update them what's going on with your own life, like the people you meet, the places you have been, so on and so forth.
Some people like to collect old things such as newspapers. Others throw things away after they have used them. Which do you prefer and why?
I am the kind of person who likes to keep old things especially like newspapers, book I read in the past and . even the football I used to kick around.
These things help me to document important milestones and memories. Particularly about the newspapers, newspapers record lots of major event in sports, politics and even the entertainment.
用两句话引入关键即为newspaper,并出现了细节如sports, politics, 和entertainment;
I am a big basketball fan, and I follow the NBA very closely, I clip out the stories covering NBA finals every year and I collect them. I keep these precious documents not only for myself but also for the next generation to come.
For these reasons and more, I find it very interesting to hold on to things from the past.