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作者:城市网 来源:www.ceoba.com 更新日期:2014-7-16



  56. business model

  57. on-line order

  58. customer relationship management

  59. search engines

  60. automatic replenishment

  61. information network

  62. chief technology officer

  63. frequently asked questions

  64. real-time communication

  65. electronic bill presentment and payment

  66. natural language processor

  67. eProcurement

  68. human resources

  69. passive registration

  70. market share



  Communication can be the most critical aspect of whether a change strategy will succeed or fail.(71)The degree to which information flows down through the organization can influence how well the change vision is understood and embraced. It can impact the values, behaviours and mindset of the workforce. It can either clarify or muddle a company’s organizational structure and employee roles and it can enhance or detract from the culture the leadership is trying to maintain.(72)Executives who have successfully led change efforts advocate in-person discussions and meetings as the most effective communication vehicles.

  The degree to which information is shared across the organization can impact speed and flexibility tremendously. Lateral communication and cooperation is important to building an innovative organization as it supports risk-taking and provides tools to take action.(73)Continuous innovation, a critical element of e-business strategy, is at the mercy of an organization’s communication structure.

  (74)In today’s business environment, the challenge associated with communication is not simply one of volume. Instead, it is the need to reach the target audience(both internal and external) with messages that include strategic, tactical and “WIIFM” elements. It is the need to prioritize the communications for the target audiences(so that the most important will be absorbed first),as well as the need to strike a balance between too little and too much information.(75)In the e-business environment, building a relationship with customers is critical, and this cannot be achieved without hearing their suggestions, needs and desires. To be effective for internal audiences, communication must share what is and what is not changing. Communication builds commitment, and is the key to overcoming resistance to the change.



  76.你可以把不重要的细节删掉。(cut out)

  77.你能确保我们订了房间吗?(make sure)

  78.他宁愿辞职也不愿意参与这种欺诈的交易。(rather than)



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