第一个:朋友搬家了,让你give advice about how to make friends in a new city
第二个:some think robots are useful in the future, some think robots will never be more useful and
smarter than human, which do you agree
第三个:suggest to remove tv in dorm 好像是走廊, one reason is it would make students communicate
less, another is noise The man disagree, he says that students will talk more about the programme and exchange opinion, as for noise they can just close the dor, school can put signs on the door to remind students to close the door.
第四个: 好像叫information cascade, 说人们做选择前看别人怎么选择再模仿, prof gives an example when he went to a new city, choose place to have dinner between an italian restaurant and a French, guidebook suggest Italian, but he find italian is empty while French is crowded, so he choose French, but food was mediocre, after he go to the French, even more people choose French and Italian is still empty.
第五个:男生定错机票have a physics test on that day, two solutions, one is to change the flight, charge $150 fee, another is to ask the prof to change the date of exam, only Tuesday is available, but have another two exams on that day, don't sure if he will be ready for the three exams.
第六个: 教授讲omnivores如何对待unfamiliar food and avoid poison food, two ways, one is rat bite a little, if not poison, eat more until it is sure the food is poisonless, 如果已经中毒,老鼠吃一种clay中和毒素使其不被吸收 。