作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-9-8
1.All expense including inspection fee and losses arising from the return of the goods and claims should be borne by you. 包括检查费和要求返还货物导致的损失在内的所有费用应有你方承担 2.You must hold responsible for all the losses caused by the delay in delivery of the goods. 你方必须承担因延迟交货造成损失的责任 3.You should take back all the disqualified goods and #pensate us for the value of the goods plus all losses sustained due to return of the cargo, such as freight, storage charges, insurance premium, interest, and inspection charges. 你方应收回所有不合格口,并赔偿货款加上退货产生的损失,比如运费,仓储费,保险费, 利息和检查费。 4.We have the right to claim against you for #pensation of all losses. 我们有权向你方索赔所有损失 5.The products we received last Monday didn’t agree with the samples and feel that you should make it up. 我们上周一收到的产品与样品不符,认为你们应该跟进 6.This is the survey report issued by CCIB in support of you claim. 这是用于向你方索赔的由中国商品检查局签署的检验报告 7.Almost everyone of the drums was leaking slightly. We must hold you responsible for the loss. 几乎每一只鼓都有轻微裂痕,我们必须要你为损失负责 8.We have lost considerable business because of your delay in shipment. We expect #pensation from you for the loss. 因为你方延迟交货我们损失惨重,我们期望你方赔偿损失 9.We request that you make up the short-landed goods covered by our contract No.147 promptly. 我们要求你快速安排合同号147中的缺陷货物 10.We regret to inform you that we are #pelled to return the disqualified goods at your expense. 我们很遗憾地通知你我们被迫归还不合格品,费用由你方支付