作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-9-8
1. A close inspection and a careful test by the China National Import & Export Commodity Inspection Bureau showed that some amplifiers are inferior quality. 经中国出入境检验检疫局密切检查和认真测试,表明一些话筒存在质量缺陷 2.We find that the quality, quantity and weight of the goods are not in conformity with those stipulated in this contract after re-inspection by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau, we are now returning the goods to you and lodge claims against you for #pensation of losses. 经过中国商品检验局重检,我们发现货物的质量、数量和重量与合同规定的不一致。我们现 在退货并要求赔偿损失 3.The survey has revealed that the damage to the goods is attributable to rough handling. 检查表明货物损坏归于野蛮搬运 4.The surveyor’s report indicates that there has been some serious damage to some of the goods. 检查员报告表明一些货已有严重损坏 5. On the basis of clause 15 of the contract, we place our claims before you as follows. 基于合同第15款,我们的索赔如下 6.We have to put in a claim against you for all the losses sustained. 我们就所有相同的损失向你方索赔 7.When taking delivery, we found that the cargo had been seriously wet by fresh water and putrefied. You must #pensate us for the loss. 提货时,我们发现货物已严重被淡水浸湿并腐烂,你方须赔偿我方损失 8.We require you to replace the damaged goods and grant us a special discount of five percent to #pensate for the loss. 我们要求更换受损货物并给我们5%的特别折扣作为损失补偿 9.According to the contract, you are responsible to #pensate us for the loss we have suffered. 根据合同,你方有责任赔偿我方遭受的损失 10.We have suffered a loss of 20% on the selling price because of the inferior quality of the products you sent us. You must #pensate us for all this. 由于你方发来的产品质量低劣导致我们随了销售价格20%的损失,你方须赔偿所有损失