作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-6-21
一、词的转换 1. 相同词性的同义替换: 相同词性的同义替换一般指的是只涉及单个单词的转换。单个单词的转换包括词性转换及同义词转换。其中词性转换是相对简单的一种,词汇量可观的考生自然可以游刃有余,轻松应对;即便不认识被转换了的单词的考生,也可以通过词根词缀以及上下文进行猜测。 例如: xue.netple 1: One of the brain'smost difficult tasks is to A. react to their ownthoughts B. helped createlanguage in humans C. respond instantlyto whatever is happening 题干中的核心信息most difficult应该在读题的过程中被考生捕捉到,在定位时应充分考虑到被代换的可能性;另外备考时训练充分有素的考生还会考虑到句子结构的整体顺序的不同。这样,当定位到原文的对应信息句: Making a rapidemotional assessment of the events of the moment is an extremely demanding jobfor the brain, animal or human. 考生应该能够敏锐地发现extremelydemanding是most difficult的代换,由此确定该句所表达的意思是正确答案,在list中搜寻正确的选项时,句子中的内容被再一次代换,其中原文中rapidemotional assessment of the events被代换为respond instantly towhatever is happening, 至此,答案为C。 xue.netple 2: It has been suggestedthat children hold mistaken views about the 'pure' science that they study atschool. 根据‘pure’定位到文中第二段第一行Manystudies have shown that children harbour misconceptions about 'pure' science,curriculum science. 短短一句话我们可以发现有三组四处同义替换,分别为suggested-shown;hold-harbour; mistaken views-misconceptions; science that they study atschool-curriculum science. 因此答案为TRUE。 xue.netple 3: Some people maybelieve that the teacher- subjects' behavior could be explained as a positivesurvival mechanism. 可以看出句中positive和survival是关键词,由句中出现的survivalmechanism可判断为是从生物角度来谈论的,又因为原文的F段首句:One'sfirst inclination might be to argue that there are must be some sort of built inanimal aggression instinct that … 中提到了相关内容,所以定位到该段。迅速扫描,搜寻和两个关键词对应的信息,除了在该段第六行出现了原词重现的survival, 还在上一行出现了advantageous, 显然是positive的代换。由于原文跟题目中的信息吻合,所以答案是TRUE。 2. 不同词性的同义替换: 不同词性同义代换顾名思义,就是在代换时不受词性的限制,比如:obvious换成clearly; similar换成resemble等。 xue.netple 1: Despite substantialfunding, results (of this program) have been disappointing. 代换为:This program failedalthough they received sufficient funding. 因为把disappointing换成了failed, “although”代换了“inspite of”, 通过词的代换就会很自然的实现英文中提倡的句式多样性。 二、词组的转换 词组的转换一般情况下是同义词转换的一个衍生。当一个词无法用另一个同义词到位地解释时,可能会出现用词组解释的情况。另外如果本身就是词组的形式,那么通常来讲还是会用词组的形式进行解释。 例如: xue.netple 1: 原文:Computers are gainingin popularity, despite their cost. 题目:Computers are morepopular than they used to be. 原文当中的gaining in popularity题目中用morepopular than they used to be作为替换。两者在意思上属于完全一致的同义转换,因此答案为TRUE。 xue.netple 2: 原文:Biologically, aspecies be#es extinct when its last individual dies. 题目:In biological terms,a species is said to be extinct when only one individual exists. 原文当中的biologically用题目的inbiological terms作为替换。Be#e则由issaid to be作为替换。但是原文当中的die在题目中变成了exist, 直接相反的意思。介于最后这一处的转换与原文信息不符,可以判断出此题答案是FALSE。 xue.netple 3: There were severalreasons for the research into plastics in the nineteenth century, among themthe great advances that had been made in the field of _____and the search foralternatives to natural resources like ivory. 解析:根据nineteenth century定位到文中第二段……Theimpetus behind the development of these early plastics was generated by anumber of factors- immense technological progress in the domain ofchemistry,……其中,in the field of意思等同于inthe domain of“在…领域”,因此答案为chemistry。 In recent years, manyof them have been obliged to give up their _____ lifestyle, but they continueto depend mainly on _____ for their food and clothes. 解析:根据上下文定位到文中Overthe past 40 years, most have abandoned their nomadic ways and settled in theterritory's 18 isolated #munities, but they still rely heavily on nature toprovide food and clothing. 因为大多数同学都认识abandon, 更知道giveup是“放弃”的意思,属于单词与词组的替换,因此第一个空填nomadic,lifestyle“生活方式”与ways替换,dependmainly on与rely heavily on属于词组与词组的替换,意为“依赖……”,答案为nature。 综上所述,同义词替换在雅思阅读中的重要作用显而易见。提醒广大考生在平时一定要注意多积累,比如在背单词的时候,就不能只满足于记住单词本身,还应该多想想这个单词有什么同义、近义词,以及词组的代换,这样在雅思阅读中就能取得好的成绩。 以上就是小编整理的雅思阅读考试同义词替换实例总结,希望同学们在雅思考试中要注意同义词替换的问题,这个也是每次雅思考试中都会考到的一个点,雅思同义词更多的是在于平时的积累和记忆,临时抱佛脚只会把自己的词汇记忆搞得更混乱。