Ⅰ.核心学习:Resumes and CVs! 简历
Michael: Nice to see you again?
Billy: Ditto.
Michael: What are we going to learn today?
Billy: This time we will learn more about how to write the perfect resume or CV. We will build on what we learned last week and finish up the part 2 interview dialogue that focuses on an applicant’s CV.
1) Innovative : creative and new, fresh ideas
ex:Blair’s #pany is a quite productive and innovative one.
2) Objectives : goals, plans for the future
ex:Your best bet is to write your job objectives on your CV.
3) Recognized : seen and known, easily familiar with
ex:IBM is a recognized leader in #puter technology.
IBM 是电脑界中公认的领头人。
4) Reference : a person above you, that will say you are a good worker
ex:Here is a list of my references, please contact them if you have any questions.
5) Related Interests : hobbies that have some relationship to your job
ex:My related interests include photography, geography and learning new languages.
Set Up An Interview: choose a place and time for the interview.
Can we set up an interview for next Friday?
First, learn how to write your home address in English. Then, at the top of the paper, in the center, write your ENGLISH name first, as foreign interviewers are much more likely to remember an English name, and a resume’s main purpose to get you RECOGNIZED. Under your name, write your address, your date of birth (DOB), Facsimile number (Fax), and most importantly, your Telephone number (Tel). Nine out of ten employers will contact you by telephone to set up an interview.
STEP TWO: Write THREE CLEAR OBJECTIVES --what are your goals? What kind of job are you searching for? (write three different sentences) Show the three sentences to two smart and honest friends. Then, all together, choose what you think is the best sentence to be your objective.
第二步:写上三个明确的工作目标--你的目标是什么?你想寻求什么 样的工作?(写三个不同的句子)在写好这三句话后,找两个你的聪明而忠诚的朋友看看,听听他们的意见。最后,在参考了他们的意见后,选出你认为最好的一句作为你的工作目标。
STEP THREE: list, BY DATE, your schools of EDUCATION and the DEGREES you earned there. It is important to list them BEGINNING with the MOST RECENT and then move backward. If your highest degree is a MASTERS DEGREE, you want to write that first. Along with each school you attended, you should write a short sentence describing some special activities of your education.
STEP FOUR: List by date, your last THREE productive work experiences under the title WORK EXPERIENCE. It is important to list the LATEST job FIRST, as your salary will be decided by your last salary, $$$$$, and you have worked hard to move up in the world. With each job title you have held, it is beneficial (helpful) to write a short sentence describing the work you did.
STEP FIVE: List a few RELATED INTERESTS that you have that are in some way connected to your occupation. This is a great place to SHOW OFF (boast) about any special #puter skills, language skills, college awards, great test scores, or related hobbies. Remember to list any LOCAL LANGUAGES OR DIALECTS YOU MAY KNOW.
STEP SIX: Get a friend to EDIT your RESUME or CV. Then have her/him use your resume to ask you specific questions about your personal history.
STEP SEVEN: Attach a list or REFERENCES to every RESUME OR CV. A REFERENCE is a person above you (for example, your boss or one of your college teachers) who is willing to say you are a good worker or student and re#mend you to the #pany. FIRST ask your teacher or old boss if it is okay for you to use them as a reference. Then, at the end of the RESUME, list their names, occupations, addresses, special achievements and phone numbers.
STEP EIGHT: SMILE, because you are on your way to the job of your dreams.