教授导入本节课要先给大家一个任务,及参观一次exhibit并写感受。接下来教授提到此次参展的画家是Rose Frantzen,并介绍了Rose Frantzen作品的独特style风格Realistic impressionism。这里对应第一题,即What is the purpose of the lecture?讲座目的是什么?答案是C, To introduce an artist's work to the class。给学生介绍一个艺术家的作品。本题难点是A、B选项有迷惑性,A选项的解释两种艺术风格的不同点,虽然文中有涉及,但是属于细节信息,不是全篇目的。B选项有迷惑性是因为教授在开篇提到了art gallery,错误原因是art gallery的信息是为引出后面的艺术家及作品服务的,所以仅仅是导入或背景信息铺设,但不是全篇讲座的目的。这一点一定要引起大家注意,开篇信息并不一定是主旨。
接下来,讲座的内容非常符合托福听力文章的常规思路,即解释术语和举例。如本篇讲座中教授让学生讲了impressionism的概念及特征,然后教授举了一个例子,即Frantzen的一部代表作,一幅农场场景画。这里对应第二题,What does the professor say about Frantzen's painting of a farm scene? 教授关于Frantzen的农场场景画讲了什么?答案为C,It was painted in the impressionist style.它是印象派风格。因为教授对这幅画的描述与学生对印象派特征的描述形成互动,并且关键词相同,所以锁定答案关键词为impressionism.
接下来,当教授谈到farm时,想到了与Franten相关的一件事,即她以前经常去一个叫做Sales Barn的地方,教授接着解释And the reason Frantzen went there, and she later on would visit other places like dance halls, was to observe people and the ways that they moved.典型的因果关系,这里对应第三题Why did Frantzen go to the Sales Barn? 答案为A. To study human form and movement. 研究人的形体和动作,为其提供创作城市网。
之后,教授让学生回答Realism的特征和表现。并谈到了Franten的另一部作品,One other painting I really want you to look at is of a young woman surrounded by pumpkins. You will notice that the woman's face is so realistic looking that it's almost like a photograph. The woman's nose is a little less than perfect and her hair is kind of messed up. This is realism. But then, the background of the painting等,这里就可以判断出这幅作品的前景是Realism现实主义,接下来说的"But then, the background……"与realism形成鲜明对比,一个转折词即可判断,背景是impressionism。这里对应第四题What does the professor imply about the painting of the young woman surrounded by pumpkins? 推断题,较难,答案是B. It #bines impressionism with Realism. 这幅画结合了现实主义和印象派。
此部分教授简单介绍了Franten的生平故事,并重点强调"No matter what, she never stopped painting. And now, Frantzen is doing extremely well. And her work is being shown all over the country. So I think most of us would be discouraged if we had to face challenges and difficulties like that. But what's important is that you keep at it, that you don't give up. That's what is really important to remember."即使困难,Franten还是坚持她的艺术创作,后来终于获得成功。这里对应第五题,Why does the professor discuss Frantzen's difficulties as a young painter? 教授为何提到Franten年轻时候的困难?正确答案是B. He thinks her example can inspire the students in their own lives. 即教授认为她的案例可以激励学生。教授最后两句话的重音就是为了更加明显的突出这一点。在讲Franten的生平故事之前,教授此部分的分论点是I find Frantzen to be a very accessible artist. I mean, some artists, to appreciate them, you have to know their life story. But here's a little bit about Rose Frantzen's life anyway.一句But转折表明要了解Franten还是比较容易的。这里是第六题,重听题,重点是转折词后面的信息,所以答案是A. The students can understand Frantzen's art without knowing about her life. 即即使不知道Franten的生平故事,学生也可以理解她的作品。正好点明本段分论点,她是比较容易接近的艺术家。