那么童鞋们,你们相信可以通过你们的笔记定准题点么?答案是definitely!刚刚在上面说了,托福考察的都是特殊点而不是一般点,并且不论是什么场景,他的题点位置都非常固定,主旨(包括开头和结尾),分论点和分论点的举例及supporting details,然后就是语义理解处。而这些都是我们可以判断出来的。
关于主旨,首先位置很固定,就是开头处和结尾处,而且有明显的主旨句型(开头处)因此,开头处跟在today后面,并且反复重复的词一定是主题词,还是以 chaffinch举例。注意下面的这段原文
So today we’re gonna talk about song development in birds and how—you may be surprised to know—the songs of most songbird species are learned—not #pletely instinctual—which is what we used to think…so I’d like to start things off today by, um, centering our discussion on the chaffinch.
The chaffinch is a type of European songbird, and we’re gonna use the chaffinch’s song development as illustrative of songbirds’ song development in general, because many other songbirds follow this same pattern, this pattern of learning songs.
看我标注红色的地方,这里是关键词,反复重复的都是song, development所以这就是本文要说的主旨。
I have some quick questions about how to write up the research project I did this semester, about...climate varation.
原文中的定位词相当于是write the project
再看正确答案中的write the report
那么我们回头再看一下关于song development的lecture song development就是AA
而答案中的How it develops from an early age就是AB,嘿嘿,明白了吧
OK,因为我们说过了,文章开头是一定会出题的,而且song dvlp反复重复,所以第一个题点我就定在了,看到划得位置了么
第二个位置,定在了关于subsong的举例的位置,因为举例属于supporting detail看到了么baby反复重复,所以选B
23. How does the professor introduce her description of the sounds a chaffinch makes during subsong?
She contrasts the subsong of a chaffinch with the subsongs of other songbird species.
She #pares the sounds a chaffinch makes to those a human baby makes.
She describes the sound of an adult chaffinch’s full song.
She reminds the class how scientists define begging ca lls.
20. What is the evidence for chaffinches’ having a sensitive period for song learning?
They begin to practice their song in the spring.
They do not develop full song until their second year.
They need little exposure to adult song in order to learn it.
They do not make many sounds for the first five weeks of their lives.