作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-3-28
Thank you for your letter of 20 May concerning your special request. From time to time we do run special jobs, changing materials and colors for one particular order. But we have to consider many factors before we can accept the order. I have spoken to our production manager, and she has done the costings. I am sorry to report that even if we did the job for you at cost, it would #e out well above the price you are willing to pay. I am checking with other manufacturers in the area who are working with the materials you want. They may be able to give you the quality you desire at a fair price. I will get back to you in a few days. We appreciate your business and I am glad you asked us about this job .The next time you have a special need, please ask again. We will try our best to do the job for you .If we cannot, we will attempt to find the best #pany that can. 谢谢贵公司5月20日特别订货要求的来函。 本公司遇有客户特别要求,如情况许可,亦乐意加工变换有关产品的用料或颜色。 贵公司的要求经转达生产部经理作成本预算后,考虑到所需费用较贵公司所拟高出很多,因而未能照办,非常抱歉。 现正联络其他厂商,研究是否能以合理价格达成要求。不日将有答复。承蒙查询加工事宜,谨致衰心谢意。如有其他要求,本公司乐意随时候命。即若未能效劳,亦当物色其他能胜任的商代办。