作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-3-28
国际商展上,一位美国进口商正在和一位华籍业务员交谈。 Salesman: Good morning. May I help you? 早上好。能为您效劳吗? Importer: I wonder if you can give me more information about this #puter model you're showing? 你可以多给我-些你们正在展示的这种类型的电脑的资料吗? Salesman: I'd be glad to help. Would you like a packet of our promotional literature? 乐意为您服务。您要一份促销文件吗? Importer: Thank you. I see your #puter is fully IBM #patible. 谢谢。我发现你们的电脑可以和IBM完全相容。 Salesman: Yes, this model can run any software or DOS program an IBM personal #puter can run. 没错。IBM个人电脑可执行的软件或DOS程序,这种类型的电脑都能执行。 Importer: These models seem to be quite small. 这种机型似乎很小。 Salesman: Yes, one of the problems our #pany was trying to solve when we worked on this model was to do away with the bulk of IBM desktops and their clones. Our #puter is only 11 pounds. 是的,我们开发这机型时要改善的一个问题就是IBM台式机的笨重机体。我们的电脑只有十一磅重。 Importer: Remarkable! There's nothing quite like seeing a problem and solving it to create a good product. Are all the #ponents made here in Taiwan? 很不错!再没什么比解决一个问题,然后创造出一套高质量的新产品更好了。零件全都是台湾制造的吗? Salesman: Yes, we do some subcontracting, but only in Taiwan. These #puters are made here. May I ask what #pany you work for? 是的,我们也转包,但都是台湾的厂,这些电脑都是本地制造的。请问您在哪家公司? Importer: I represent Reese Computer and Supply Company. We're a high-volume, discount mail-order house. 我是李斯电脑供应公司的代表,是大规模的折价邮购公司。 Salesman: Would you like to tour our factory and perhaps even one or two of our subcontractors? 您愿意参观我们的工厂以及一两家发包工厂吗? Importer: Yes, if it wouldn't take too long to arrange. I'm due to fly back to the States on Friday. 若不会花太多时间安排的话我很乐意。我预定星期五乘机回美国。 Salesman: I'm sure we can arrange it before then. How about meeting the founder of our #pany? Would you be interested in talking with him about our ideas for up#ing models? 我想可以在那之前可以安排好。您愿意和本公司的创办人谈谈我们的新产品理念吗? Importer: Yes, I think that would be useful. Thank you for your help. 好,我想那会很有帮助的。谢谢您。