作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-3-28
讨价还价常用表达 要求对方“降价……”该怎么说?下面是一些写讨价还价信常用的表达,希望能给各位帮个忙。 1. Your quoted price is out of line with the prevailing level. That is why we feel confident that our suggestion of three percent off your present one is workable.你方报价与市价有差异,所以我们相信减价百分之三的建议是可行的。 2. Should you revise your price, say, one point five percent lower than the quoted one, we might persuade end users to conclude a deal.假如你方能修改报价,比如:降低百分之一点五,我们很可能说服终端客户成交。 3. Could you please reduce your unit price by US$4 so that the gap with our profit margin would be narrowed? 请在单价上降低四美元,这样就可缩小我方与预期利润率的差距。 4. As the market is advancing your suggested price is rather on the low side. Up to now we can not see our way clear to entertain your counteroffer.由于市场看好,你方建议的价格偏低。现在我们无法接受你们的还盘。 5. I don't think I am in the right position to cut our price to that extent as required. Shall I suggest that we meet each other half way? 我无法把价格降低到你提出的限度,让我们各做一半的让步吧。 6. We make you a firm offer subject to your acceptance reaching us no later than 12 p.m. September 30, Beijing time because the fluctuation of the currency exchange rates calls for our great care in fixing prices.外币兑换率的浮动要求我们谨慎地报价,我们的实盘以你方的接受复函不晚于北京时间九月三十日晚间十二时到达我方为条件。 7. For a small size of goods on advertised promotion, we feel it unnecessary to have a letter of credit opened since the charges resulting there from would increase our cost account.对于用广告推销的少量商品,我们认为没有必要开信用证支付,因为由此产生的费用会加大我们的成本。