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作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-3-28
    Jennifer要带加拿大客户Bob Mckenzie先生和Andrea Lloyd小姐参观公司的新产品。她当然要借此机会大力推销这项新开发成功的商品。如何利用短短一两分钟的时间引出对方最大的兴趣,则得事先花费一番心思了!下面是Jennifer 对新产品的介绍,我们来看看她是如何解说的。
    Mr. Mckenzie, Mr. Lloyd, let me take you to our showroom. I think you'll be interested in seeing some of our latest innovations in microwave ovens. |
    This is Action's pride and joy, the Kitchen Master. It's only a prototype but it's a prime example of our future line of smart products. We are all very excited about this oven. In trial runs, this product has performed very well.
    Its main design feature, and key selling point, is the “Correct Cook” option, which uses a sensor to see if the dish has been properly cooked through and through. Basically, “Correct Cook” makes it virtually impossible to over or under cook food. You won't find this feature in any other microwaves.
    You must admit this type of feature will appeal to the many microwave users in the West. We at Action are convinced that smart products like the Kitchen Master are the wave of the future.

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国际商务理论与实务 张老师 50 试听 2套题 报名
国际商务专业知识 张老师 50 试听 2套题 报名


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