作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-3-25
年前也就是1st Feb, 2005,我接到一个客人的询价,是要一个TOTEBAG,内容如下: We are interested in pricing on 100,000 - 300,000 cotton small drawstring bags. Size: 8cm x 8cm Drawstring top. 2-color or 4-color process logo imprint. lightweight natural cotton material. Please advise lead times. Thank you. 很简单的询价,我第一时间就复了他如下: Good Morning! Very nice to have your enquiry! Thank you! I give you our quotation with our experience material. As the cotton has many kinds of material that will influence the price, but according to our experience, I quote you our normal one. Do you need the absord water? Thank you! Quotation: US$…/PC FOB Shenzhen Size: 8*8CM (too small, could you please advise what do you want to use?) Material: natural cotton with pp string and 2-4 colour printing on top side. Package: 100pcs/pp bag? Attached a tote bag for your easy reference. Any question please kindly let me know. Warm wel#e! 本来我是想先看图再报的,但我只是想吸引他,所以报了个价并说明哪些会影响价格,如果到时他想怎样的话我可以重报,这仅只说明我的诚意,当然不是每次都这样做的。而且我没有报生产交期,因为要过年了,不敢报。 然后2号他就复了我,并他图片给我看了,问我多少天可以交货,我是这样说的,Thank you for your soon reply and attached picture. I can know well for your bags now. I see the middle bag with green print, I think that's printing is more expensive. If you confirm the artwork could you resend to me for my review? Thank you! And I am sorry for missing the delivery: 100000-200000 pcs about …days including the printing on the top side. By the way, I am kindly inform you that we will have holiday for Chinese New Year from 2/8-2/16. If you have any urgent thing please forward email to …@hotmail.# or call my mobile:0086-130…… thank u! Sorry for any inconvenience caused. And if any confirm anything please contact with me these days before our holiday, that I can help you more! Thank u! Looking forward to hear from you again! Best Regards, Penny 我是想试他是否确实有意下单,如果是的话他会着急的!因为我们要放假了。 3号早上我就看到他说 Penny, We can get the order, however, can you do this: Must ship order via FedEx to us 3/11, we need sample before Chinese New Year, is this possible? Thanks! 这个时候呢,我就开始逼了,我告诉他说可以,但交期是有点紧的,必须在年前确认所有事情 ,年后马上生产,然后要正式的印刷稿,我能尽快开办,并说一些细节,这封邮件在公司的电脑,同时开了P/I,让他签回。并详细的说明为什么要如此紧急处理,一,购料要多少天,二,并打电话问料厂什么时候放假什么时候开工,三,然后年前确认放年后确认的区别等等,同时我当天去物料市场买料。 3号在市场上买了四种同的棉布,可是没有签单我也不能开网办,在发邮件如下。 Delivery: by 3/15, if on normal days should be no problem, but we will have holiday from 2/7 until 2/16. Of course, 100,000-200,000 pcs for 30 days production and print is not a difficult. I would like to help this. But we have no any confirmation now, could we confirm it before New Year? An example, if we get your order and confirm the production sample and printing after New Year! The soon ' time as above: 2/16- we buy material for sample and open screen printing mold, and printing mold should be 3 days. So I send the sample should be on 2/19. But you got it on 2/22 (quirkiest), and 2/23 we get your info. So how many days I can production? And I need to wait your deposit (just send me your transit copy I can produce first for saving time, about 2 days?), just left 18 days. So I want to give us our best quality, this time should be a little short. Could you give me more time? More a week is enough! Of course, we have another way to save time, that we can get your confirmation before New Year by 2/7(your time 2/6), so we can do confirmation sample soon, and send it before our new year. And have a 30-day for production next year! So could you help me this? Send me your order (I can open screen printing)。 Thank U! Wish we could try to solve it through! Thank you for your effort very much! 我希望让客人知道我们的困难,更希望尽快签下这单否则很容易被抢单。 这个时候我要客人选择,但我把路都铺了,便权衡一下就好也不用再动脑筋想太多更不需要怀疑我们的诚意,同时我想告诉他我们是有计划的而且是有效率的。 而且是专业的。 果然他马上签了回单给我问尽快出样品,并表示对我们的信任及感谢。 4号,我下紧急单要求马上开网办,为了省去确认网办图的麻烦省时间,我和开发部的主管一周前往,在合作厂那里当时画图当时确认,争取在5号晚上拿到网办。 6号我去丝印厂看着他们调色。可是仍然有个颜色有问题,7号早上我的样品赶了当天的机。但重新改色的样品同时进行准备赶8号的最后一班机,幸好快递公司没放假。 我拍了照通知客人样已寄出。 HI, I send you two sample by DHL, the tracking NO is 000000, please kindly track by yourself on your side. And I am sorry for that the printing col have little different, (i have no time to send your revised one this morning!), but I cann't confirm if the revised one can send by 08.feb. So Never hold it, for you reference first. The revised sample may be sent later, maybe tomorrow. For a problem I need to remind you that please don't put the TOTEBAG with tea leaf together into the hot water or cold water, the printing can't be eat. Please kindly note. You just have a TOTEBAG for package right? Really can't be water will be poison. 我不确定是否真的能赶上年前的飞机。我也确实不能确定真的8号还有班机按时送件。 这个邮件一出,客人自动汇了订金过来,他还没有看到样品但他很放心。 为什么呢,可能叫运气吧。 我8号是确实有寄样出去就一家快递公司收谢谢了!收工准备过年了! 我没啥好总结的,这是我签单最快的一次了,可能千年难遇! 大家不要问我为什么和法宝,什么都没有,关键的邮件我都贴了。当然并不完全就这几封邮件而已。 但我认为卖产品先卖自己!卖你的专业卖你的服务,卖你的效率,卖你的诚信。