作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-3-22
CONTRACT AGREEMENT made this _______ day of ____________, 20_____, between ______________________, hereinafter called “_______________”, and ______________________, hereinafter called “_____________”. WHEREAS, ________________; WHEREAS, ________________; and WHEREAS, ________________; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises made herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by each party, the parties, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The parties agree that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. __________________. ___. Miscellaneous. Time is of the essence of this agreement. This agreement is made in the State of Florida and shall be governed by Florida law. This is the entire agreement between the parties and may not be modified or amended except by a written document signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought. This agreement may be signed in more than one counterpart, in which case each counterpart shall constitute an original of this agreement. Paragraph headings are for convenience only and are not intended to expand or restrict the scope or substance of the provisions of this agreement. Wherever used herein, the singular shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular, and pronouns shall be read as masculine, feminine or neuter as the context requires. The prevailing party in any litigation, arbitration or mediation relating to this agreement shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys fees from the other party for all matters, including but not limited to appeals. Pinellas County, Florida, shall be proper venue for any litigation involving this agreement. This agreement may not be assigned or delegated by either party without the prior written consent of the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this agreement as of the day and year first above written. ____________________________ ________________________(Seal) ____________________________ Witnesses ____________________________ ________________________(Seal) ____________________________ Witnesses 合同 本协议由______________________(以下称“_____________”)与______________________(以下称“_____________”)于20_____年_____月_____日订立。 鉴于________________; 鉴于________________; 且鉴于________________, 因此,考虑到双方的保证,以及为了其他在此承认已收到的有益且有价值的考虑,双方同意如下条款,并受其法律约束: 1.述语:双方承认,以上所做陈述真实准确,构成本协议的组成部分。 2.其他条款 双方认为,时间因素至关重要。本协议的订立地为美国佛罗里达州,应受佛罗里达州法律的管辖。本协议作为双方的完整协议,只能由受到强制执行的一方通过书面签署的文件加以变更。本协议应有两份(或以上)的正本,由协议双方签署。各段落标题词的使用仅是为了方便,不能扩大或限制本协议条款的范围与实质内容。本协议中任何一处使用的复数当然包括单数,反之亦然;本协议中任何一处使用的代名词应当根据文本需要确定其性别,即男性、女性或者中性。在与本协议有关的诉讼、仲裁或者调解中,胜诉的一方有权要求对方为其支付一切相关而合理的律师费用,包括(但不限于)行使请求权的费用。涉及本协议的一切诉讼应由佛罗里达州派尼拉思郡法院管辖。经一方书面同意,另一方可将本协议转让或委托给第三方。 兹证明,本协议由双方在上述订约日期签订。 甲方:____________________________ ________________________(盖章) 甲方见证人:____________________________ 乙方:____________________________ ________________________(盖章) 乙方见证人:____________________________