作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-3-22
Phone books have white, blue and yellow pages. The white pages list people with phones by last name. The blue pages contain numbers of city services, government services and public services. Businesses and professional services are listed in a special classified directory-the Yellow Pages. It is generally very easy to find a public telephone in the developed countries. Public phones are located in bus and railroad stations, airports, stores, hotels, restaurants, gasoline stations, on numerous street corners and in most office buildings. From a corner pay-call, you pick up the phone, listen for a dial tone (a buzzing sound), deposits a coin or coins (depending on the cost in the area) and then dial the number. A person-to-person call can only be accepted by the particular person you are calling. Thus, if that person is not there, you will not be charged. However, person-to-person and collect calls are more expensive than calls dialed directly because they involve the additional labor cost of an operator. The person being called pays for a “ collect” call rather than by the person making the call. If you make a long distance call and get a wrong number, call the operator and explain what happened. This means that you can make the call again to the right number without having to pay more money; or you can have the phone #pany mail you a credit coupon that has the same value as the phone call. 电话 电话簿有白页、蓝页和黄页。白页刊登用户个人的电话号码,是按姓氏排列的。蓝页刊登市政机构、政府机构和公共服务的电话号码。黄页是商业和专业机构的分类电话号码。 想在发达国家找到一部公用电话是非常容易的。公用电话经常安装在以下场所:公共汽车站、火车站、飞机场、商店、旅馆、饭店、加油站、许多街角以及大多数的写字楼。 在街角的付费电话亭,你拿起电话,听到拨号声音(嗡嗡声),投入硬币(数量视地区而定),然后拨号。 叫人电话只能是你叫的那个人接听。所以,如果那个人不在,你就不需付费。叫人电话和对方付费的电话较自拨电话要贵一些,因为接线员得付出额外劳动。在对方付费的电话中,交钱的是接听电话的人而非打电话的人。 如果你打长途时拨错了电话号码,可以给接线员打电话解释一下情况,你就可以再打正确的号码而不用另外付费;你也可以让电话公司寄给你退回电话费用的付款证。 telephone booth ;telephone box;telephone kiosk电话间 telephone exchange 电话局 telephone, phone 电话,电话机 manual telephone 人工电话 automatic telephone 自动电话 desk phone 台式电话 wall phone 墙上电话 touch phone按键式电话 dial phone拨盘式电话 interior phone内线电话 outside phone外线电话 special line专线电话 emergency call紧急电话 hot line热线电话 toll-free call; 800 number 免费电话 interphone 内部电话,对讲机 #bined set; mobile phone手机 beeper寻呼机;BP机 receiver, earpiece 听筒 hook 听筒挂叉 dial 号码盘 hammer 槌 switch 开关,断路器 plug 销 counter, meter 计数器 circuit 电路 frequency 音频 connection, connexion 连接 disconnection, discon-nexion 断开 selector 选择器 switchboard 交换台 telephone network 电话网 extension 分机 line 电话线 cable 电缆 telephone operator, operator 话务员 token 代金牌,代币 telephone subscriber 电话用户 telephone call, ring 打电话 long-distance call, trunk call 长途电话 local call 市内电话 reverse-charge call 受话人付款的电话 telephoned telegram 电话电报 directory inquiries 地址簿 telephone directory, telephone book 电话号簿 to dial a number 拨号 area code, code number 地区代码 ring 电话铃响 dialing tone 拨号音 engaged tone 占线音 to telephone, to call (up), to ring up,to make a phone call 通话,给…打电话 to lift the telephone, to pick up the telephone 接电话 put me through to… 我想找… to hold on 别挂上 to hang up 挂上电话 call accounting system 电话自动记费系统 credit card call信用卡付费电话 magnetic card telephone磁卡电话