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2013年雅思听力考试:Section 3 该怎么听
作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-3-20
    很多考生认为雅思听力考试的第一部分和第三部分都是属于对话性质的文体,但事实上,听力考试的第三部分被称作discussion才更为准确。从做题的情况来看,大部分考生在第三部分发挥的效果不好,正确率性对于前两个section也偏低。一方面是因为考生听到第三部分时已经有点疲惫,精力无法集中,另一方面是因为考生并没有熟练掌握section 3的考试特点,只是简单地把这一部分当作对话来复习。在本文中,专家将从section 3自身特点出发,给众多考生一些应对的策略和方法。
    一、section 1 和 section 3 的辨析
    严格意义上来讲,section 1是一个conversation,而section 3是一个discussion。这两个部分的说话方式有着很大的区别。前者是一问一答,后者是互问互答。
    Conversation: (一问一答)
    Tom: Are you going to go to Australia?
    Mary: yes, but after taking the IELTS exam.
    Discussion: (互问互答)
    Tom: Are you going to go to Australia?
    Mary: yes, have you been there before?
    Tom: No, but I read a few books and magazines about the country. Why do you want to go there?
    通常情况下,雅思听力section 3的部分题目在卷面上会有人名或者是表示人身份的词出现,比如人名Jason, 教授Professor。因此,遇到此类题目时,考生最好用笔划出,明确此题目的说话人,这样才不会做错题目,才不会掉到考官给考生设置的陷阱里。
    Cambridge 6 Test 1 Q21
    What is Brian going to do before the cousre starts ?
    A attend a class
    B write a report
    C read a book
    Tutor: Hello. Can I help you?
    Brian: I was told to #e here because I like to talk to someone about taking a management course.
    Tutor: Right, I am one of the tutors, so I could help you.
    Brian: Ok, my name is Brian; I have decided to enroll a part-time management curse. A friend of mine took one last year, and re#mended to me.
    Tutor: Right.
    Brian: Is there anything I should do before the course, like reading or anything?
    Tutor: We prefer to integrate reading with the course, so we don't give out reading list in advance, but we like people to write a case study, describing an organization they know.
    Brian: I have already done that as my friend told me you wanted one. But would it be possible to sit around in teaching session to see what is like? I haven't been a student for a quite while.
    解析:本题的答案为A。在做这道题目时首先要把人名Brian划出,确定在课程开始之前是这个Brian要做什么。把人称定位好以后,在考生听题的时候,就要注意录音中Brian这个男生,凡是女生说的话我们都可以不做答案的参考内容。因此在录音中提到的reading,case study就不会形成干扰。同样地,在Cambridge 5 Test 2 Secton 3和 Test 4 Section 3, Cambridge7 Test 1 Section 3和 Test 3 Section 3等剑桥题目中存在着相同的特点。
    顾名思义,无人称定位是指在section 3中的卷面题目中没有指定的人称,通常是以两方或三方说话人讨论的主题点作为题目。应对此类题目的方法与做section 2和section 4 的方法类似——先寻找关键词,然后根据所划关键词找到答案。但是,在寻找答案的过程中,专家提醒各位考生,要注意信息的确认与信息的对方更正。
    Julie: We also need statistics on different things.
    Trevor: Literacy rates
    Julie: Yes, school places
    Trevor: How about the encyclopedia?

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