作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-3-12
Will the bank agree to the loan? 银行同意贷款吗? That seems fine. I can't see any problems with your application. 大概会的。我看你的申请没有什么问题。 I want to borrow some money. 我想借一些钱。 How are you going to make the repayments? 你打算如何还款? I think I need to borrow $500,000. 我要借五十万美元。 Have you got any capital? 你有资本吗? How is the capital invested? 资本如何投资的? How soon can we expect delivery? 我们多久能收到邮件? We can deliver the order by 15th. 我们可以在十五日发送。 Either the delivery is immediate, or we'll have to cancel the order. 若不能立即送货,我们将取消定货。 I'd like to talk about a bank loan. 我想谈一谈银行贷款。 What is your in#e? 你的收入是多少? What does the guarantee cover? 担保的内容是什么? Do you charge extra for delivery? 另收送货费吗? Yes, we do. 是的。 #论坛 What about delivery time? 送货时间呢? We can't deliver before July 12th. 七月十二日之前无法送货。 If I buy 50 units, will you give me a discount? 如果买五十台,可以打折吗? I'll give you a 20% discount if you buy 200. 如果买二百台,可以打八折。 What sort of guarantee do you offer? 有什么担保? How long does the guarantee last? 担保期多长? It's valid for two years. 两年。 It's made of wood. 木制的。