作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-3-12
There's a systems failure. 机器系统出毛病了。 There's a breakdown. 出毛病了。 I'm phoning to #plain about the product. 我打电话投诉产品问题。 I'm sorry to hear that. What exactly is the problem? 很抱歉。出什么问题了? It's broken./It doesn't work./It's faulty. 坏了。/不运行了。/出毛病了。 I think I can do better than that. 我想我能做得更好。 What's the problem? 什么问题? The problem is the photocopier isn't working. 问题是复印机坏了。 What's wrong? What exactly is the problem? 怎么回事?哪里出毛病了? There's some paper stuck in the machine. 复印机卡纸了。 We'll be needing payment within 30 days. 我们需要在三十天内付款。 I think that's acceptable./unacceptable. 我认为这可以接受。/不可以接受。 I think we could agree to that. 我想我们能够同意。 Can you offer us the same unit price as last year? 你能够为我们提供与去年一样的单价吗? We could do a 20% discount on 700,000 units. That's the best I can offer. 我们七十万件可以打八折。这是最大的折扣。 It'll take a couple of days to process your application. 银行需要几天来处理你的申请。 You should receive written confirmation of the loan in a few days. 几天后,你就会收到贷款的书面答复。 Let's talk about delivery dates. 我们谈一谈送货日期。 Let's talk about using a different supplier. 我们谈一谈用另外一个供应商。 We'll be needing 500,000 units. 我们需要五十万件。 Have you got all the financial details you need? 你得到所需的一切金融详情了吗? We'll need security on a loan of this size. 我们对这样一笔贷款需要安全担保。 My father has agreed to guarantee the loan. 我父亲答应担保这笔贷款。