作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-3-12
In this lesson, you should learn some points about enquiries, such as the basic knowledge of translating or understanding enquiries, and grasp how to write a good and effective reply letter. 1.Brief introduction of enquiries and replies(简介) An enquiry is the first step during the negotiation of a contract. It can be sent and received when a buyer or a seller wants some information. A buyer usually makes an enquiry to invite a quotation or offer from the seller in order to buy a certain #modity or obtain a kind of service. Reply letters answer questions, supply specific information and attempt to meet the needs of those who make the requests. Therefore writing of enquiries has be#e the general practice in international business correspondence. 2.How to write enquiries and replies Good enquiries and replies usually have the following essential writing strategies: 1. Enquiries should state simply, clearly, specifically and concisely what you want. 2. Begin the letters with the questions you want to ask: the goods needed, usual terms of trade, catalogues, price lists, samples, quotations, etc., so as to enable the seller to quote or offer the correct goods. 3. In an enquiry, such expressions as “Please quote your best prices”, “Your quotation is favorable” or “Should your prices be #petitive”, are often used. 4. Replies to enquiries should be prompt, courteous, objective, and entire, and contain all the information your customer required .You'd better assure your clients that you have full confidence in your product or service. Introduction Inquiries for information about goods are sent and received in business all the time. Briefly speaking ,when a businessman intends to import, he makes enquiries. Inquiries mean potential business, so both the buyer and the seller should take great care in writing or replying to them. When making an enquiry, begin with the question you want to ask, your reader then knows at once what your enquiry is about. Keep your enquiry short and to the point. If a prospective customer approaches sellers for the first time, it is useful to tell them something about his or her own business the kind of goods he or she needs and for what purpose they are required. In the case of customers of long -standing or repeat orders, the inquiry may be very simple. Often a phonecall or a printed enquiry form will do. A first inquiry-------a letter sent to a seller with whom you have not previously done business-----should include: 1. A brief mention of how you obtained your potential supplier's (or seller's) name. Your source may be an embassy, consulate or chamber of #merce; you may have seen the goods in question at an exhibition or trade fair; you may be writing as the result of a re#mendation from a business associate, or on the basis of an advertisement in the daily, weekly or trade press. 2. Some indication of the demand in your area for the goods which the supplier (or seller) deals in. 3. Details of what you would like your prospective supplier to send you. Normally you will be interested in a catalogue, a price-list, discounts, method of payments, delivery times, and, where appropriate, samples. When you have many points on which information is required, it may be useful to enumerate your inquiry. 4. A closing sentence to round off the inquiry. First inquires must be acknowledged promptly and a reply to a first inquiry should be handled with special care in order tocreate goodwill. Sentence Structures and xue.netples(例句) Structure 1 be interested in …(对……感兴趣) We believe that you will be interested in doing business with customers like us. 我们相信你方会有兴趣与我们这样的客户打交道。 We are interested in the desk lamps you advertised in the March issue of “China Daily”。 你们在3月份《中国日报》上刊登的台灯广告,我们很感兴趣。 We have the pleasure to know that you are interested in our “Double Deer” Brand canvas shoes. 很高兴获悉你方对我们的“双鹿”牌帆布运动鞋感兴趣。 Structure 2 We shall appreciate it very much if you …(如果你方……我们将不胜感激) We shall appreciate it very much if you send us a catalogue of your products together with price lists and the largest discount you can allow us. 如果你方寄上一份产品目录,以及价格单和可给予的最大折扣,我们将不胜感激。 Structure 3 Thank you for your…(感谢你方……) Thank you for your enquiry of August 12 for the captioned goods. 感谢你方8月12日对标题项下货物的询盘。 Structure 4 Please inform us whether you…(请告知贵公司是否……) Please inform us whether you can guarantee your products. 请告知贵公司是否愿意对产品加以保证。 Structure 5 If your quotation is favorable/ Should your prices be #petitive (如果你方价格优惠/极具竞争力) If your quotation is favorable, we shall place a trial order with you. 如果你方价格优惠,我们将下试单。 Should your prices be #petitive, you will have the opportunity to obtain a large order from us. 如果你方价格极具竞争力,将会有机会从我处获得大量订单。