主题句:Save some money for a rainy day. 存钱以备不时之需
Taylor: I would like to take my savings and buy a new car. 我想取钱买辆新车。
Sarah: But your old car still works fine. I think you should save some money for a rainy day. 但你的旧车还能开呀,你不如存点钱以备将来的不时之需。
Jone: I would like to take a vacation with my wife. However we have decided to save some money for a rainy day. 我想跟太太一起去度假,不过后来我们决定还是存些钱以备将来不时之需。
George: That's a smart idea. 真是明智之举。
John: I want to redecorate my house. 我准备重新装修房子。
Bill: It still looks good. You should save some money for a rainy day. 你原来的装修看起来还不错嘛,你应该省些钱以备将来。
1. He just won the lottery. He will take some money and buy a new house, then put the rest in the bank for a rainy day. 他刚中了彩票。他准备拿一些钱出来买一套新房,然后将剩下的存入银行以备不时之需。
2. Linda will not have a luxurious wedding ceremory. She will save some money for a rainy day. Linda不准备举行太奢华的婚礼,她打算省些钱以备将来。