主题句:Things are really moving quickly. 事情发展得真快
Simon: Watson's is doing very well. They're expanding their business at a rapid pace. Watson's现在生意挺好,他们正在迅速扩展。
Bud: That's true. They are quite successful. 是啊,他们的发展非常成功。
Simon: Things are really moving quickly at Watson's. Watson's发展真快。
Fred: I really like Daisy. I think she likes me too. We have been on several dates. 我真是喜欢Daisy,我想她也喜欢我,我们俩已经见过好几次面了。
Tom: Your relationship is really moving quickly. 你们的关系真是进展神速。
1. Computers are really moving quickly. 电脑的发展速度真是一日千里。
2. Sarellite TV technology is really moving quickly. I can now receive over 30 channels. 现在电视技术发展惊人,我可以收到30多个频道。
3. Things are really moving quickly. The watermelons are ripe. 时光飞逝,转眼西瓜已经成熟。