主题句:Down the road. 将来的某个时候
A: You said you were going to learn French. So how is it going? 你告诉过我要学习法语,现在进展如何?
B: Well, I plan to learn it sometime down the road. 哦,我准备适当的时候学。
A: I've heard that sometime down the road the most popular film will be shown in Shenzhen. 我听说那不最流行的影片近期将在深圳上映。
B:Yes. It'll be playing on April 3rd. 是的4月3日上映。
A: I plan to open a flower shop sometime down the road. 我准备将来什么时候自己开个花店。
B: That sounds like a good idea. You have a good eye for beautiful things. 似乎是个好主意,你的审美眼光不错。
1. Mom, I plan to marry Ann sometime down the road. 妈,我准备近期跟Ann结婚。
2. I plan to open a DVD shop sometime down the road. 我想近期开一间DVD专卖店。
3. Down the road, we plan to have a party. 我们近期准备搞一个大聚会。
4. My parents will visit me sometime down the road. 父母亲近期要来探望我。
5. Down the road, I plan to learn how to use the #puter. 近期,我准备学习电脑。