作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-20
迷你对话: A:It seems that something is praying heavy on you.What's the matter? A:你看上去心事重重,怎么回事? B:Igot my father's goatlast night. B:做完我惹我父亲生气了。 A:What did you do to get his goat? A:你做了什么惹你父亲生气了? B:When I asked him to treat me like he does to my sisters, he jumped down my throat. So I took it out on him by telling him what I thought. B:当我要求像对待我姐姐那样对待我时,他对我连连训斥,所以我就发泄了一通,把心里的想法告诉了他。 地道表达: get someone's goat 解词释义: 这个习语源于英国赛马比赛。从前在赛马比赛中有个习俗,即把一头山羊和要参加比赛的马关在一起。据说山羊和马为伴,能是暴躁的马平静下来。如果大赛前夕把山羊拖走,马屁就会心神不宁。这样,第二天的比赛就大打折扣。这种卑劣的手法就使人十分恼火,因此就用这个习语来比喻“使人恼怒,使人生气”。 支持范例: Eg.It reallygot Mr. Brown's goatwhen he had to wait two hours to get his plane tickets. 不得不等上两个小时才拿到飞机票实在是让布朗先生生气。 Eg.The students did their best toget the teacher's goat. 学生们想方设法惹这位老师发火。 Eg.She has a quick temper.Such little things willget her goat. 她脾气不好,这么点小事就能惹她发火。 词海拾贝: 1.jumped down one's throat:突然对某人动怒;严厉斥责,愤怒指责 Eg.The teacherjumped down Billy's throatwhen Billy said he did not do his homework. 当比利说自己没有做家庭作业时,老师对比利进行了严厉批评。 Eg.Hejumped down my throatat the mention of his wife. 一提他妻子他就暴跳如雷。 Eg.He is a tartar, each time I met him he wouldjump down my throat. 他是个刺头,我每次遇到他,他都那么火气十足。 2.take out on somebody:对……发泄,把情绪发泄在某人或某物,迁怒于…… Eg.Get it off your chest if you feel you've been wronged. Don'ttake it out onothers. 你有委屈就说出来, 不该拿别人出气。 Eg.I know you've had a bad day but here's no need totake it out onme! 我知道你不痛快,可是也用不着拿我撒气呀! Eg.It's not my fault that you've had a bad day, don'ttake it out onme. 你这一天过得不愉快不是我的错,别拿我出气。 Eg.What have the kids done to provoke you? Why should youtake it out onthem? 孩子们没招你惹你的,你干吗拿他们当出气筒?