Hank: Hi, Anne. What are you up to?
Anne: Designing a uniform.
Hank: I didn't know you are a costume designer.
Anne: You never asked. I am a costume designer.
Hank: Oh, sorry. What is this for anyway?
Anne: There'll be a charity bazaar for the handicapped the week after next week. They decided that every participant should wear a uniform.
Hank: Where will it be held?
Anne: At the National Park.
Hank: Is there anything I can do to help?
Anne: Yes , give me some inspiration.
Hank: I don't have the slightest idea about costumes.
Anne: I can see that. Who would wear a green shirt with orange pants and red socks?
Hank: Don't make fun of me. This is fashion……What do you have in that charity bazaar?
Anne: Most of them are the products of our #pany such as T-shirts, short pants, hats, and bags. They #e in different styles, but the patterns are all the same——a big heart.
Hank: Can I join you? I've never done such a thing before.
Anne: You never pay attention to the people around you, not to mention showing concern about this society.
Hank: Don't say that. I'm eager to be one of you. Let me try.
Anne: I‘ll have to ask permission from the manager. Call me next Monday evening and I'll let you know.