Goal! Let's all have a goal for our English!进球了!为足球大声朗读起来!
First One: kick off
At the beginning of the game two players from one of the #peting teams face off in the middle of the field and maneuver for the ball. This term is also used for the beginning of an American football match.
Second One: to steal the ball
Taking the ball away from someone on the other team is called stealing the ball. This term can be used for soccer, football, basketball and other similar sports. The referee won't fine you for stealing in this case.
Third One: penalty kick
Any time one team is allowed to kick the ball without the other team interfering. This usually occurs when a member of the opposing team breaks the rules.
Fourth One: spot kick
When the defensive team breaks the rules and prevents the offensive team from making a goal, the offensive team is sometimes given a penalty kick. A great opportunity to score which often wins the game!