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作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-2
  Trust me! Here's a lot of fun in the ABC Express! Come on!
  First One: You must keep your word.
  This is an appeal to the borrowers' sense of integrity. If the borrower doesn't pay the money back he will be breaking his word and probably feel ashamed.
  Second One: Money is really tight right now.
  This means that you don't have much extra spending money right now and it would be very difficult for you to pay the money back at this time.
  Third One: I need my money back now!
  This leaves no room for negotiation. You would usually only use this phrase after politely requesting that someone repay a debt to you and they try to weasel out of it.
  Fourth One: I promise you, I'll give you the money back.
  Hopefully when someone borrows money from you they will pay it back regardless of whether or not they said, "Ok, I promise." Sometimes it doesn't hurt to emphasize the point though.
  Fifth One: Just give me two more days.
  Some people really intend to pay the money back in two days and other people are just trying to postpone payment as long as possible. When you know someone well enough you will know whether to give him/her the extra time or demand payment right away.

课程名称 老师 课时 试听 报名 学费 有效期
大学英语四级精讲班 严邵阳 56 试听 报名 200元



四级425速成--听力 欧 文 8 试听 报名 80元
四级425速成--阅读 欧 文 14 试听 报名 90元
四级425速成--综合 欧 文 13 试听 报名 80元
四级425速成--写作 欧 文 16 试听 报名 90元
四级经典历年真题 欧 文 10 试听 报名 80元

课程名称 老师 课时 试听 报名 学费 有效期
大学英语六级听力 齐方炜 7 试听 报名 100元



大学英语六级阅读 齐方炜 7 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级写作 欧 文 14 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级新题型 欧 文 15 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级词汇 欧 文 15 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级模拟题 欧 文 5(赠) 报名 50元

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