作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-19
Surviving the Gender Divide 幸存的性别鸿沟 陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他有事去找美国同事Amy。 (Office ambience) A: Hi Chen Hao, how are you? C: 我有个问题,要请教你。你有时间吗? A: Sure. I don't have anything on my calendar for another hour. What's the matter? C: 我们正在做一个新项目,宣传最新的客户服务计划。 A: That sounds like a good idea. We can always improve customer service. Why is that a problem? C: 我们成立了一个小组,包括三男三女,以前互不相识,结果沟通上出现了问题,影响了项目进度。 A: What kind of #munication issues? C: 事先声明,我可没有大男子主义,但我觉得那三个女的浪费了很多时间。 A: How? C: 她们喜欢谈私事。好不容易谈到主题了,她们又没完没了,直到大家都对方案满意了才肯罢休。 A: It's good to be sure that you are all in accord. C: 可凡事都要有节制啊。有几次我为了推动进度,打断了她们,结果她们特不高兴。 A: I understand what is happening. You have a gender issue. C: 什么?性别问题? A: This is going to take a bit more time to explain. Can we continue our conversation over lunch? Amy和陈豪午饭时继续上午的话题。 C: 我想了一上午,怎么也想不通早上我们说的事怎么会跟性别有关。 A: Remember that you started off by telling me that there were some problems in the group and you immediately zeroed in on the women. C: 没错,进度慢,就是那几个女同事的责任。 A: Men and women have different approaches to #munication that both need to understand. C: 男性和女性交流的方式,可能是不一样。我们几个男的都觉得可以行动了,但那几个女的老觉得太仓促。 A: As with all conflict, you need to take time to address this. You should talk about what is happening, attempt to understand each other and resolve the issue in a cooperative manner. C: 加深相互理解?那具体该怎么做呢? A: Tell the women you appreciate their opinions and expertise. Ask them to focus more on business conversation and less on personal. Next consider how you men are behaving. C: 难道说我们这些男的也有做错的地方吗? A: You admitted that you interrupted in an effort to move things along. I bet that you are also trying to dominate and give the women as little chance as possible to speak up. C: 我承认,我们确实有控制会议之嫌。一般情况下,听完她们的意见,我们就不再去看她们,生怕她们没完没了地说下去。 A: To avoid additional strife and ac#modate each other, you need to stop interrupting and trying to dominate. C: 我知道了,男性希望马上找到解决问题的办法,而女性喜欢先花时间,建立关系,因此双方就会出现矛盾。