作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-19
迷你对话: A:I really don't know how to teach my son. He'sgetting far above himself. A:我真不知道如何去教育儿子。他现在太目中无人了。 B:You should send him to the boarding school. He need a strict teacher. B:你应该送他去寄宿学校,他需要一个严厉点的老师。 A:Maybe you are right. I will discuss it with my wife tonight. A:也许你说得对,我马上和我夫人商量一下。 地道表达:get above oneself 解词释义:介词above意为“高于……大于……”,get above oneself意思是“超过某人本人的实际情况”,即:变得自高自大,变得目中无人。 联想记忆:rise above oneself 拓展讲解:表示“变得太自高自大,变得太目中无人”,在介词above的前面加副词far,即:get far above oneself。 支持范例: Eg. She' s beengetting a bit above herselfsince winning her award. 她获奖以来, 渐渐有点骄傲了。 Eg. When shegets a bit above herself, she inclines to be a nuisance. 当她显得有点趾高气扬时,她就会令人厌恶了。 Eg. Hegot far above himself. He thought he was the most important person in the band, and claimed all the credit for our success. 他变得目中无人,以为自己是乐团里最重要的人物,说乐团成功都是他的功劳。