作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-19
迷你对话: A: What happened to your brother? 你哥哥出什么事情了? B: It seems that he has gone ape over the girl. 他像是迷上那个姑娘了。 A: Your parents must be worrying about him. 你父母一定很担心他。 B: Yes, he's been like this for two weeks. We don't know what to do. 是的,他这个样子已经有两个星期了,我们不知道该怎么办。 A: Have you talked to him? 你们跟他谈过没有。 B: Yeah. But he just didn't listen. 谈过,但是他听不进去。 地道表达:go ape 解词释义:ape作为名词,本义是“猿”,在此ape做形容词用,作为这个词性常用在俚语中,意思是“疯狂的,狂热的”,所以俚语go ape意为“变得狂热,发疯似的,如痴如狂”。 拓展讲解:要表示对……变得狂热,在ape的后面加上介词over即可,即:go ape over something。 支持范例: Amy went ape over beautiful beaches. 埃米看到美丽的海滩激动得发狂一般。 Bill has gone ape over that new girl in the office! 比尔被办公室新来的姑娘弄得神魂颠倒了! The young girls went ape when they saw their favourite pop singer. 年青的女孩子见到她们喜欢的歌星都如痴如狂。 The manage has gone ape over the his assistant. 经历给他的助手弄得神魂颠倒。 词海拾贝: worry about:为……担忧 Eg. Don't worry about him; he is a cheerful and elastic man. 别为他担心,他是个快活开朗的人。 Eg. I shouldn't worry about a thing like that at your age. 我在你这个年纪,可不为这样的事犯愁。 Eg. Don't worry about the matter.I'll work round to it next week. 这件事你不用担心,下星期我慢慢地来解决它。 Eg. Have a good rest and don't worry about your work. 好好休息,别牵挂工作。