作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-18
迷你对话: A:It is time to butter him up. 我该去奉承奉承他了。 B:What do you have to do togrease the palm ofhim? 你得做些什么才能贿赂他呢? A:I don't know. Let me see. 我不知道,让我想想。 B:You can go and ask your father. 你可以去问问你的父亲。 地道表达: grease the palm of 解词释义: grease作为动词,本义是指“用油脂涂”或“油脂弄脏”,在俚语中比喻为“给……贿赂或小费”,行贿的思想是肮脏的,这比喻是非常贴切的,那么习语grease the palm of比喻为“向……行贿,买通”。 拓展讲解: grease the hand of意思是grease the palm of意思相同。 支持范例: The offender attempted togrease the palm ofthe judge. 罪犯企图贿赂法官。 We had togrease the palm ofthe waiter to get a table in the crowded restaurant. 我们得给招待员特别小费以便在客满的餐厅得到座位。 The driver was trying togrease the hand ofthe cop, but he was refused. 那个司机企图收买警察,却被警察拒绝了。 词海拾贝: butter sb up:奉承某人,拍某人的马屁 Eg. It's a good idea tobutter a person upbefore asking them to do you a favor. 在要求别人帮你忙之前,最好先对他们说些好听的话。 Eg. He began tobutter upthe directorin hope of being given a better job. 他开始奉承主任,希望得到一份更好的工作。 Eg. If you canbutter upyour boss, he won't give you a hard time. 如果你能对老板说点好听的话,他将不会为难你。 Eg. If webutter our mother upa bit, she may let us go to cinema this afternoon. 如果我们对妈妈说点好话,她也许会让我们今天下午去看电影的。