作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-18
迷你对话: A:Have you ever noticed that serious pollution in modern citiesgoes from bad to worse? 你注意到了吗?现代都市的污染越来越严重了。 B:You said it. We'er breathing poisonous air every day. 你说得对啊。我们每天呼吸的都是有毒的空气。 A:I think it's time for the government to take strong action. And people should try to protect environment. 我认为政府应该采取强硬的措施了,人们也应该保护我们环境了。 B:I absolutely agree with you. 我完全同意你的意见。 地道表达:go from bad to worse 解词释义:go是动词,意思是“进入状态,变为”;bad是形容词,意思是“坏的,劣质的”;worse是形容词的比较级,意思是“更糟的,更差的”。所以,短语go from bad to worse从字面上理解就是“从坏的到更坏的”,引申为“每况愈下,越来越糟”。 支持范例: Under the new management things havego from bad to worse. 在新的管理人员领导下, 情况反而更坏了。 Americans fear the war would drag on,and the economy wouldgo from bad to worse. 美国人害怕战争拖延下去,经济状况每况愈下。 We are hoping for an improvement but things havego from bad to worse 我们但愿有所改善, 然而事情却每况愈下。 Left to themselves, things tend togo from bad to worse. 听之任之的话,事情一般不会向好的方向发展。 词海拾贝: 1.take (strong) action:采取强硬措施 Eg. How can we sit back and decline totake strong actionto protect the people's interests? 我们还能不坚决地起来保卫人民的利益吗? Eg. The Government willtake strong actionto facilitate their further development. 政府会采取强硬的措施促进这些行业的进一步发展。 Eg. In any business situation,there #es a time to bring to a close deliberations,discussions,and analysis,and totake action. 在任何商务中,总会有这种时候:对商情进行仔细考虑、商讨、分析之后采取行动。 Eg. And Mr Leadbeater called on the government and employers totake action. Leadbeater先生呼吁政府和雇主对此采取措施。 2.agree with:同意某人的意见 Eg. He tends to get angry when people do notagree withhim. 他听到不同意见时总是不高兴。 Eg. I fullyagree withyou. 我完全你的意见。 Eg. Iagree withyou that it's amusing to be rustic in town. 我同意你的看法,在城里享受一下乡间景色很有意思。 Eg. Do youagree withme about the need for more schools ? 关于多建一些学校一事, 你同意我的意见吗? Eg. I see your point, but I can't reallyagree withyou. 我明白你的观点,但我的确不能赞同。