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作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-18
    1. 词组句型
    at a loss, puzzle, hassle
    sentence patterns:
    I am at a loss what I should do tomorrow.
    The reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me.
    Taking so many luggage in the bus is a hassle to me.
    It's a hassle.
    2. 多种表达
    It sounds fishy to me.
    It sounds suspicious to me.
    It sounds funny to me.
    I smell a rat.
    Are you sure?
    Is that so?
    Do you believe it?
    Are you joking?
    Do you mean it?
    Are you kidding?
    You don't mean that, surely.
    That's odd!
    That's strange!
    I doubt it!
    It's doubtful!
    I know better than that.
    I suspect it!
    I mistrust it!
    I find it hard to believe.
    I wouldn't bet on it.
    I don't buy your story.
    I don't believe you at all.
    I won't buy that story.
    I can't believe it.
    I don't buy it.
    I won't believe that story.
    You must be joking.
    You can't be serious.
    Do you think he is serious?
    I don't take her too seriously.
    I don't pay much attention to what she says.
    I don't take her very seriously.
    I doubt it!
    I don't trust her.
    I think she is lying.
    I haven't the least faith in his words.
    I haven't much trust in his words.
    Come on!
    Come off it!
    It's doubtful whether it'll work.
    There is doubt whether it'll work.
    It's too good to be true.
    It's so unbelievably good that there has to be something wrong.
    Nothing this good ever happens, it must be a mistake.
    I am at a loss what to do.
    I don't know what to do.
    I am unable to decide for myself.
    What should I do?
    What am I supposed to do?
    What should I do?
    I am unable to decide for myself.
    It's a hassle.
    It's a pain in the neck.
    It's a lot of trouble.
    I made a mistake.
    My mistake.
    It's the hard part.
    It's the difficult part.
    He feels guilty.
    He feels bad about it.
    It's all his fault.
    He feels terrible.
    She looks puzzled.
    She looks confused.
    That idea haunts me.
    I can't get rid of that idea.
    I can't get it out of my mind.

课程名称 老师 课时 试听 报名 学费 有效期
大学英语四级精讲班 严邵阳 56 试听 报名 200元



四级425速成--听力 欧 文 8 试听 报名 80元
四级425速成--阅读 欧 文 14 试听 报名 90元
四级425速成--综合 欧 文 13 试听 报名 80元
四级425速成--写作 欧 文 16 试听 报名 90元
四级经典历年真题 欧 文 10 试听 报名 80元

课程名称 老师 课时 试听 报名 学费 有效期
大学英语六级听力 齐方炜 7 试听 报名 100元



大学英语六级阅读 齐方炜 7 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级写作 欧 文 14 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级新题型 欧 文 15 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级词汇 欧 文 15 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级模拟题 欧 文 5(赠) 报名 50元

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