作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-17
Larry和李华一起去参观艺术博物馆。他们会用到一个常用语:write something/someone off,意思是“小瞧,不看好;认为……不重要”。 LH: Larry, 你喜欢什么流派的艺术啊?现实主义还是抽象主义? L: I definitely prefer the realistic kind. Anybody can make abstract art! LH: 人人都能创作抽象派艺术作品?那好,你创作一个给我看看! L: Er … I guess you're right. I shouldn't write off abstract artists so quickly. LH: Write them off? 这是什么意思? L: When you write something off, that means you decide that it isn't important. LH: 哦,就是小看,不看好的意思。你是说,你不该小瞧抽象派艺术家。 L: Right! Here is another example. In high school most people had written Jack off as an actor, so they were really surprised when he became a movie star years later. LH: 我明白了。高中时大家都觉得Jack肯定当不了演员,可后来他成了电影明星,所以大家都很吃惊。 L: That's right! LH: 对了Larry, 你说这些艺术品的创作者一定都很有钱吧?他们的作品都卖得好贵哦! L: Actually I don't think so. Many great artists were written off in their own time, and people only started to appreciate them many years later. LH: 也是,好多艺术家在世的时候不被世人重视,总是死了之后才得到人们的认可,真可惜!哎, Larry, 你喜不喜欢画画? L: I thought of being an artist when I was a little kid, but I wrote that dream off a long time ago when I realized I was bad at drawing. LH: 哦,你发现自己画画不行,就放弃了当画家的梦想。 L: Yeah, but I still like to draw as a hobby. Even though I can't be a professional artist, giving it up even as a hobby would have been overkill. LH: 要不这样吧,Larry, 把你最近画的大作拿来,跟我五岁时画的儿童简笔画比比,看看你有没有达到我五岁时的水平? L: Very funny, Lihua. I'll write that off as a joke!