作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-17
大家都知道smoke有抽烟的意思,但除此之外,smoke也可表示“烟雾、不实的事物”等意思,英语中有很多跟smoke相关的短语,我们一起学习一下吧! 1. I'm going to withdraw all my money from that bank. I read an article that the bank was in financial trouble, and there's no smoke without fire. 我要去银行把钱都取出来,我看了篇报道说那个银行现在有些财务问题,无风不起浪啊! 2. The entire investment went up in smoke. 我们的投资都打了水漂。 3. I'm sick of you, and I'm leaving. Put that in your pipe and smoke it! 我厌倦你了,我决定离开你,面对现实吧! 4. Get out of here with that cigarette! I don't want you smoking my house up! 拿着你的烟离开这里!别把我的房子弄得烟雾缭绕的! 5. Her report was little more than smoke and mirrors. No one will believe any of it. 她的报告里不过是些虚假的信息,没人会相信的。 6. My uncle smoked like a chimney when he was living. 我叔叔活着的时候烟瘾很大。 7. The deal was cut in a smoke-filled room. 他们在密谈室谈成了交易。 8. The team put on an unbelievable performance. I'm not just blowing smoke - they were great. 那个团队表演得很好,我可不是唬你们,他们真的很棒。 9. Conflicting smoke signals are #ing from the the peace talks, and it is impossible to say how they are going. 关于那个和谈有很多不一样的说法,很难说和谈的结果是什么。 10. He didn't just walk into the police station and surrender, we had to smoke him out of hiding. 他不会自己走到警察局自首的,我们得引他出来。 11. Here is a Smoke Free Zone. 此处是禁烟区。 12. Secondhand smoke causes at least half the cases of lung cancer in non-smokers. 二手烟会导致至少二分之一的不吸烟者致癌。