作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-17
随着博客、社交网站、微博等社交平台的普及,瞬间走红已经不是什么新鲜事了,但这些走红的人大部分都只是昙花一现,随着人们兴趣的转移,他们也很快就被人遗忘了。今天我们就来学习一下怎么用英语谈论这种“昙花一现”式的走红。 1. John seems to be in high cotton. He may well be#e a big shot. 约翰走红起来了,他有可能成为大人物。 2. Fischer made a sensation when he achieved the grandmaster title at age 15, in 1958. 1958年,年仅15岁的费雪获得特级大师头衔后,风光一时。 3. Many people like him got a flying start but soon disappeared. 很多像他这样的人只是有个开门红,然后便销声匿迹了。 4. The seventies saw a succession of one-hit wonders who were famous overnight and then never heard of again. 70年代出现了很多昙花一现的歌手。这些人往往一夜成名,但很快就没消息了。 5. I'm afraid that my success as a painter was just a flash in the pan. 我很担心我在绘画上的成就只是昙花一现 6. Her popularity appears to be a one-time blip rather than the start of a new trend. 她的走红不过是昙花一现,并不代表新潮流。 7. Don't worry about the story of you in the newspaper. It'll be a nine days' wonder and then people will forget. 别为报纸上那篇关于你的新闻担心了。人们只是暂时对它感兴趣,过不了几天他们就会忘记的