作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-17
很多人都喜欢养猫做宠物,觉得它们可爱、慵懒而又温暖。小编今天发现,关于猫的词组也分外奇特有趣。我们一起来学习一下吧! 1. Bill can tell a dead cat on the line before anybody knows there's something wrong. 比尔总能比别人先发现问题。 2. Jill: I've hinted to Mary several times that I need her to pay me the money she owes, but she just ignores me. Jane: A cat in gloves catches no mice, Jill. Tell her bluntly that you need the money. 吉尔:我跟玛丽暗示了好几次,说她应该还欠我的钱了,但是她就是装不知道。 珍妮:吉尔,过分谨慎可能一事无成。你就直接告诉她让她还钱就行了。 3. Has the cat got your tongue? I'm waiting for an explanation. 你哑巴了吗?你倒是解释啊! 4. What's the matter with her? She's like a cat on a hot tin roof this morning. 她今天怎么了?一早上都坐立不安的。 5. This year the other party is way ahead of us when it #es to campaign money. They have all the fat cats on their side. 今年对方党派的竞选经费比我们多很多,因为那些有钱的赞助人都在他们那边。 6. Your presentation must have gone well. You look like the cat that swallowed the canary. 你的发言反响一定不错,你看起来满面春风的。 7. Poor Dave looks like something the cat drug in. He must have been out late last night. 可怜的戴夫看起来累极了,他昨晚肯定很晚才回来。 8. It's a secret. Try not to let the cat out of the bag. 这是个秘密,别告诉别人啊! 9. We get on very well as adults but as kids we fought like cat and dog. 我们小时候经常吵吵闹闹,但是长大之后相处得很好。 10. When the teacher left for a few minutes, the children nearly wrecked the classroom. When the cat's away, the mice will play. 老师出去了几分钟,那些孩子们在教室里闹翻了天。真是“大王 外出,小鬼作怪”。 11. Tell them all they've got to work on Saturday. That should set the cat among the pigeons. 告诉他们说周日得加班,这消息肯定能引起轩然大波。 12. The terrorists were playing cat and mouse with the hostages. One minute they thought that they were going to be released, the next they thought that they were going to be killed. 恐怖分子像猫戏老鼠似的戏弄人质,让他们时而感到就要被释放,时而又感到就要被杀害。 13. Your new car is the cat's meow. 你的新车太棒了。