作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-17
大家都知道number的意思是“数字”,但是number短语的意思可没有这么简单。它们可以表示“气数已尽”、“受欢迎的人或事”、“人多力量大”等多种意思,很不可思议吧!我们一起来学习一下吧! 1. When a young child answered, I knew I had the wrong number. 一个小孩接起了电话,我知道我拨错号了。 2. Working on the principle that there's safety in numbers, we decided we should all go and #plain together. 本着“人多力量大”的信念,我们决定一起去投诉。 3. Inflation has been public enemy number one for this government. 通货膨胀是现任政府的头号公敌。 4. Todd numbered himself with the top athletes at the school. 托德认为自己是学校最好的运动员之一。 5. Please number off by tens. 十人一组报数! 6. This car came hurtling towards me and I thought my number was up. 那辆车朝我疾驰过来的时候,我想我死定了。 7. You gotta look after number one, right? 人总要为自己打算,不是吗? 8. Please tell me in round numbers what it'll cost. 告诉我大概的成本就行。 9. I'm not worried about Taylor. I've got his number and I know what to expect. 我不担心泰勒,我了解他的招数,知道怎么应对。 10. The man who came to fix my roof certainly did a number on me. He said he'd do the work for 1,500 dollars but when he finished,he charged me more than 3,000! 来给我修屋顶那个人骗了我,他起先开价1,500美元,但是完工后却要3,000多美元。 11. She may not look like a number cruncher but she's with a big firm of accountants. 虽然她看起来不像是擅于数学运算的人,但是她在一家知名的会计师事务所工作。 12. Our printer has broken down quite frequently in the past months. its days are probably numbered. 我们的打印机过去几个月里常常出状况,估计也挨不了多久了。 13. A friend let me drive his sports car and now I know why it's such a hot number. It gets up to 60 before you know it and it looks like an airplane ready to take off. 一个朋友让我开了开他的跑车,现在我终于明白为什么跑车这么招人喜欢了。它的速度在不知不觉中就能飙到每小时六十英里,而且车子看来就像一架振翅欲飞的飞机。 14. Though it is just a back number, it is very important to me. 虽然这只是一本过期杂志,但它对我来说非常重要。