作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-17
又到一年毕业季,面对现在高校毕业生惨淡的就业形势,一些毕业生选择了自主创业,为自己打工。下面是15句对创业者的忠告,你可以说给你打算创业的同学听听。 1. Be slow to hire and quick to fire. 招人要慎重,炒人要迅速。 2. Create the best environment you can for your team. 为你的团队创造最好的工作环境。 3. Companies aren't just about profits. 开公司不仅仅是为了钱。 4. Recurring revenue is the best form of revenue. 经常性收入是收入的最好形式。 5. Your idea isn't unique. 不要以为天底下只有你想到了这个主意。 6. People identify with #panies more so than products. 人们认同公司,甚于认同产品。 7. Celebrate the small victories. 即使是微小的胜利,也值得庆祝。 8. 99% of decisions aren't permanent. 99%的决策都是可以更改的。 9. The biggest challenge with growth is keeping everyone aligned. 快速增长带来的最大挑战,就是如何让每个员工找到合适自己的位置。 10. Price differentiation doesn't last long but customer service does. 价格战走不远,客户服务才是根本。 11. Build relationships before you need them. 打好各种人际关系,日后会帮到你。 12. You should be opinionated about your product when considering customer suggestions. 不要被用户的意见左右。 13. Don't burn any bridges as it is a small world. 不要过河拆桥,世界很小,保不准哪天你们会再遇到。 14. Empower customers to help sell new customers. 让客户成为你的销售员。 15. You only get one first impression. 你只有一次机会给别人留下第一印象。