作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-16
我一个朋友前几天买房的时候遭遇了房主食言毁约(be gazumped),本来他已经和房主商量好了价钱,他也已经开始准备搬家了。但是签合同之前,房主突然(out of the blue)打电话说有人出了更高的价,所以他决定pull out(撤销口头协议等)。我朋友还因此白花了一些钱(out of pocket),因为他已经开始办理哪些昂贵的法定程序(legal formalities)了。 Gazump意为“抬价敲诈某人(rip someone off)”,但是gazump几乎只用在房产市场中,而rip off的用途则更为广泛。例如: I got gazumped when I tried to buy that house - after we agreed on a price, they changed the contract. 我去买那个房子的时候被房主骗了——本来我们已经商量好了价格,可是签合同的时候,他们就食言了,要改合同。 The drinks in that new bar are a rip off! 那个新酒吧里卖的酒太宰人了。 Peter realized he'd been ripped off when his “new” car turned to have had three previous owners! 当皮特知道他的“新车”原来已经有三位旧主人了,他才意识到他被骗了。 “gazump”这个词城市网于犹太语,这种语言是德语和希伯来语的一种混合体,现在英语里面有很多犹太语词汇,例如下面句子里面这些: I was hungry so I went out to look for some nosh. 我很饿,所以就出门去看了看有什么吃的。 I bought a bagel and a coffee from the schmuck who owns the shop on the corner. 我在街角那家店买了一个百吉饼和一杯咖啡,那家店的老板很逊。 He gave me some spiel about a #puter he had for sale. Everyone knows the guy is a klutz and that any #puter of his would be full of glitches. 他极力向我推销店里卖的一台电脑。大家都知道那个人笨手笨脚的,他的电脑肯定有一堆小毛病。 If I was going to buy a #puter I'd have a schmooze with my friend Danny. He's a real mensch and knows everything about information technology. 如果我打算买台电脑,我会跟我朋友丹尼聊聊的。他人很好,而且对这些信息技术方面的东西很在行。