作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-16
迷你对话: A: Are you have a hand in locking into the case? A: 你参与了案件调查吗? B: Yes. B: 参与了。 A: How do you feel about it? A: 感受如何? B: It is really a hard nut to crack. The problem is that the crime was done without leaving any trace. B: 案子很棘手,问题是罪犯没有留下任何线索。 地道表达:have a hand in 插手,参与 支持范例: Eg. Does the local government have a hand in the management of the schools? 当地政府是否插手这些学校的管理工作呢? Eg. I don't want to have a hand in his personal affairs. 我不愿意过问他个人的事。 Eg. If the strike continues, the government will have to have a hand in the negotiations. 如果罢工继续下去,政府将不得不干预谈判。 Eg. George would like to have a hand in arranging the entertainment. 乔治想参与表演会的安排工作。 词海拾贝: 1. look into:调查 Eg. The manager would look into the queer going-on in the office. 经理将调查办公室里发生的可疑事件。 Eg. The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse. 政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题。 Eg. We have to look into the cause of the accident. 我们必须调查这一事故的原因。 Eg. The personnel manager promises he will look into the grievance of the office staff . 人事经理答应他将调查公司职员的疾苦。 2. feel about:对……感觉,反应 Eg. How would you feel about going to a baseball game tonight? 今天晚上去看一场棒球赛怎么样? Eg. And how do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles? 你对于到Los Angeles接受这份工作有何感想? Eg. How do you feel about Hong Kong's transfer of sovereignty on July 1st? 对7月1日香港主权移交你是怎么看的? Eg. How did the peasants feel about this? 对此农民的反应怎样? 3. leave some trace:留下线索,留下痕迹 Eg. Even the shrewdest criminals leave some trace of their illicit activities. 即便是最狡猾的罪犯也会留下一些做案的痕迹。