作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-16
本期节目的topic: Just for laughs 做某件事纯属为了高兴 有时候某些人就是这么奇怪,做的一些事情完全的随性子,纯属是为看开心而已,没有其他的目的。 Come on and get your jacket -- let's go out and have a couple of beers just for laughs. 来吧,穿上你的外套,我们到外面去喝两杯啤酒高兴高兴。 Just for laughs they tossed Mary in the swimming pool with all her clothes on. Then they found out she didn't know how to swim. 就是为了开玩笑,他们把玛丽连衣服带鞋的整个扔进了游泳池,结果他们发现,玛丽根本不会游泳。 I really enjoyed that movie last night. It won't win any prizes, but it has two funny guys in it that are worth watching just for laughs. 我很喜欢昨晚看的那个电影。这个电影不见得会得什么奖,但是那两个滑稽的角色值得一看,非常好玩。