作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-16
迷你对话: A: What are you worrying about? 你在担心什么? B: I am worrying about my husband. 我在为我丈夫担心。 A: Where is he? Is he in danger? 他在哪儿?他有危险吗? B: You know, he is a taxi driver. He has to have his eyes peeled all the time when he drives, especially during the rush hour. 你知道,他是个出租车司机。他开车时,必须一直提高警觉,尤其是在交通高峰期。 地道表达: have one's eyes peeled 解词释义: 这里peeled是动词peel的过去分词,它的本义是“剥皮”,在该短语中做宾语的补足语,补充说明eyes的情况。美国人常用这个短语来形容一个人在危险的时候常常睁大眼睛注意周围危险的情况,意即:提高警觉,提高警惕等。有的时候,描述那些做坏事的罪犯也会用到这个词语。 拓展讲解: 短语中的have可以用keep来提到,即:keep one's eyes peeled。表示对……提高警觉,在短语的面加上介词for,介词for的后面可以接somebody,也可以接something。 支持范例: Eg. I'm going to have to drill this lock out of the door for us to get in. The drill will make some noise, so have your eyes peeled for the cops. 我得把这门上的锁钻下来,这样我们才能进去。我钻的时候会有声音,所以你得睁大眼睛,注意看有没有警察。 Eg. They are shrewd businessmen who keep their eyes peeled for every economic smoke signal. 他们是精明的生意人,对每一个经济征兆都极为注意。 词海拾贝: 1. in danger:处于危险,在危险中,垂危 Eg. When the dyke was in danger, the whole village rushed out to repair it. 河堤出险,全村的人都赶去抢修。 Eg. He is in danger of losing his job if he goes on like this. 他再这样下去会丢掉工作的。 Eg. Don' t apply for that job : you' re in danger of overreaching yourself. 不要申请那份工作, 以免有不自量力之嫌。 Eg. I'm in danger, and the danger increases by the minutes. 我的处境危险,这种危险正在一分一秒地增长。 2. rush hour:(公共车辆的)高峰时间 Eg. Well, since it 's the rush hour, I'd say the ride will take about thirty minutes, more or less . 现在是高峰期,我估计需要30分钟左右。 Eg. It was the rush hour and we crawled along at 15 miles an hour. 遇上了高峰时间,我们的车子以每小时十五英里的速度缓慢行驶。 Eg. You'd best avoid the rush hour. It's too heavy with traffic. 最好避开高峰时间,交通太拥挤了。 Eg. If you go now, you are likely to hit the rush hour . 你要是现在走,可能正赶上交通拥挤的时刻。