作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-15
迷你对话: A: One family skeleton of my family was that my younger brother has an axe to grind. A: 我们家的一个家丑就是我的弟弟居心叵测。 B: What did he aim at? B: 他的目的是什么? A: He began to be interested in finance because he thought he would be able to inherit the family's fortune. A: 他认为他自己能继承家产而开始对金融感兴趣。 B: How could he have such an ill intention? I think your father can see that through. B: 他的用意怎会如此险恶?我觉得你父亲能看穿他的。 地道表达: have an axe to grind 解词释义: grind的本义是“磨碎”。该习语的字面意思是“用斧头去磨碎”,比喻“心地残忍”“居心叵测”“别有用心”“有个人打算”等等。 支持范例: Eg. I even suspected that he might have an axe to grind to help me out. 我甚至怀疑他的帮助是居心叵测。 Eg. I expressly declare here and now that this rumor was made by my relatives who had an axe to grind. 我在这里明确地声明这个谣言纯系居心叵测的亲戚恶意捏造。 Eg. Those who have their axe to grind extol the film star to the skies. 那些别有用心的人把这个电影明星捧得上了天。 词海拾贝: 1. aim at:目的在于 Eg. We aim at quality rather than quantity. 我们的目的是重质不重量。 Eg. Now we have to aim at the problem and try to get i solved. 现在我们不得不正视这个难题并试图解决它。 Eg. All the Party's policies aim at the defeat of the Japanese invaders. 党的一切政策,都是为着战胜日寇。 Eg. Some politicians aim at closing the gap between rich and poor. 有些政治家的奋斗目标在于缩小贫富的差距。 2. an ill intention:有恶意 Eg. Harbour no ill intention against others, but never relax vigilance against evil-doers. 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。 3. see through:看穿,识破 Eg. Do you think I don't see through that? 你认为我没有看清这一点吗? Eg. I see through your game. 我看穿你的把戏了。 Eg. We can see through all your tricks and schemes, so you needn't think you can pull the wool over our eyes. 我们能够识破你所有的阴谋诡计,所以不必以为你能蒙骗我们。 Eg. We should see through the appearance to the essence. 我们要透过现象看本质。