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英语口语辅导:RedneckIn The Sticks
作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-10



  M: The police just busted someone for trying to steal my neighbor's car.


  M: No, they busted him. Busted, B-U-S-T-E-D. Busted is the past tense of to bust; it means to catch someone doing something they shouldn't be doing.

  L:噢,原来busted someone for doing something就是干坏事的人被抓到了。

  M: That's right. You can say "They busted him for something", or you can just say "they busted him".


  M: Sure! They busted the man who lives in the apartment above mine!


  M: Yes, I saw the police put him into a car and drive away.

  L:哎呀,好可怕。原来你楼上一直住着个小偷。哎,Michael,bust 这个词是不是只能指警察抓罪犯呢?

  M: Not at all. Anyone who catches someone doing something wrong is busting them.

  L:噢,我们普通人抓到别人干坏事也可以说“busted someone doing something wrong”。哎,我可不可以说“The teacher busted my classmate for cheating on the English test.”

  M: Yes, that's perfect. When you were little, did anyone ever bust you for doing something wrong?


  M: That's not too bad. Once when I was in school, the teacher busted me for selling candy to my classmates.



  M: Yeah, but I'm not surprised. I always thought that guy was a creep.

  L:A creep? 是小偷的意思吗?

  M: No, that's not what I said. I said he's a creep, C-R-E-E-P. A creep is someone who looks and acts in a way that makes people suspicious and un#fortable.

  L:噢,a creep 就是指一个人鬼鬼祟祟,令人怀疑。那你为什么觉得那个人是个creep呢?

  M: Well, he was never a friendly neighbor. He was always frowning, and wouldn't say hello to people. That's one reason I thought he was a creep.

  L:可是这也不能说他就是个creep 啊。因为有很多人平常都是皱着眉头,从来不和别人打招呼,可是不一定有什么坏心啊。

  M: Sometimes he would try to sell us things. And even though we refused to buy his stuff, he just wouldn't leave us alone. That's why my neighbors didn't like him. They all thought he was a little weird.


  M: You've got it. You give me an example.


  M: Ok. Why is he a creep?


  M: Yes, he definitely sounds like a creep to me.


  M: Oh, you busted me! Please keep quiet about that, ok? I told my professor I had to visit a sick aunt in the hospital.



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